Los tiempos cambian, los paradigmas cambian, el intercambio de información cambia. El intercambio global y libre ha dejado de ser una utopía. / Times changes, paradigms changes, the exchange of information changes. The global free exchange has stopped being a utopia.

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2012

Artistas Varios / Beatnici v Praze (2001)

"Beatnici  v Praze" contiene grabacionesde los líderes de la poesía beatnik en diferentes visitas realizadas a Praga en los años 60, las mismas proceden de archivos particulares que fueron proporcionados al editor y realizado con el apoyo del Ministerio de Cultura. Ginsberg, Ferlinghetti y Snyder son los poetas presentes en este trabajo, acompañados por: Emil Viklický Quartet (tracks: 1 to 3), Ivan Bierhanzl (tracks: 4 to 7), Ivan Vrána (tracks: 10 to 17), Jiří Popel (tracks: 10 to 17), Josef Janíček (tracks: 4 to 7), Marcus Godwyn (tracks: 10 to 17) y Vladimír Merta (tracks: 9)

"Beatnici v Praze" contains grabacionesde leaders beatnik poetry in different visits to Prague in the 60s, they come from particular files that were provided to the editor and with the support of the Ministry of Culture. Ginsberg, Ferlinghetti and Snyder are the poets present in this work, accompanied by: Emil Viklický Quartet (tracks: 1 to 3), Ivan Bierhanzl (tracks: 4 to 7), Ivan Vrana (tracks: 10 to 17), Jiří Popel (tracks: 10 to 17), Josef Janíček (tracks: 4 to 7), Marcus Godwyn (tracks: 10 to 17) and Vladimír Merta (tracks: 9)

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1 comentario:

Takla Makan dijo...

Good Morning,
is it no possible to re-up this one?